Storage tank leak detection using our mass measurement system is less costly and safer than conventional leak testing methods, and more precise. Aboveground vertical tank testing, leak measurement, tank tightness certification, API 653 certification are necessary steps in maintaining your productivity, protecting the environment, and maintaining safety.
Our mass measurement system for leak detection eliminates guesswork and avoids tank entry that is required with other leak testing technologies. Precision leak testing for aboveground fluid storage tanks.
Our mass measurement system for leak detection eliminates guesswork and avoids tank entry that is required with other leak testing technologies. Precision leak testing for aboveground fluid storage tanks.
Precision testing for aboveground fluid storage tanks provided by Mass Technology Corporation. Our mass measurement system, applicable to all types and sizes of tanks and viscous products, is safer, more economical, and more precise than conventional testing methods. It is field-proven and third-party certified.
Postpone API 653 inspections with annual integrity testing by Mass Technology Corporation. Deferring your API 653 tank entry and inspection with a tightness certification from Mass Technology Corporation can reduce your expenses, avoid the environmental impact caused by tank entry and clean-out, prevent tank bottom damage caused by tank entry, and reduce your tank out of service time. These are all factors that can save you real dollars. Entering a tank that can be verified tight is not something that any operator wants to do.
Example: When testing a 100-foot diameter tank containing a product with a measured specific gravity of one, a one gallon loss of fluid will result in a head loss of 1.7/100,000 foot (about 0.2 mils). The accuracy necessary to measure that one gallon loss requires a measurement threshold 5000 times more precise than custody transfer requirements of +/- 0.1 inch.
Mass Measurement leak detection programs offer financial incentives when returning large aboveground storage tanks back to service after repair. The most important time to test for leaks in a tank bottom is after it has been repaired. Basic post-repair inspection is mandated by API 653, but prudent tank operators look to the latest technology when assessing tank tightness after repair.

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