BULK SYSTEMS, INC. is a manufacturer, refurbisher and distributor of a wide variety of liquid and powder handling containers and equipment ranging from drums to 22,000 gallon capacity single wall and double walled bulk tanks and including such diverse products as liquid surge protectors, unique liquid and powder mixers and brominators. As a stocking distributor for various types of IBC's it is their philosophy to keep a large representative stock available at their high rise storage facility in Round Lake Beach, Illinois to service their customer's rush requirements.
Engineering data shows that 1/8" thick polyethylene would be sufficient to retain the amount of liquid product that the "Original DikeTank" will hold. We make the DikeTank from 1/4 thick material. Some companies use pigments in their materials to disguise the fact that they are using recycled materials.
The "Flooded Suction DikeTank" is the latest addition to the Bulk Systems, Inc. family of double walled polyethylene tanks. The new design allows for flooded suction because draining is done from a sump in the bottom of the tank which is surrounded by a cradle/dike. A pump stand is located out in front of the dike to give easy accessibility and yet if the pump or the pump lines were to leak the contents would fall into the cradle/dike. To top it off the "Flooded Suction DikeTank" is stackable two high allowing for significant space savings if needed.
Bulk Systems, Inc. represents over 40 years experience in liquid and powder handling containers and container systems. We have found over the years that many of our customers were interested in getting containers fast so they could ship product out to their customers as quickly as possible. Therefore, the decision was made to stock a large representative stock of various types and brands of IBC's for these people.
The "Caliber" folding unit uses a very inexpensive FDA approved flexible poly liner bag inside of a heavy duty, stackable, folding, plastic IBC. This combination of features gives you a 315 gallon capacity reusable container, with all of the advantages of a machine handleable semi-bulk shipper with or without a bottom drain, for a cost that is less than the cost of 55 gal.

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